Monday, November 29, 2010

Well, you look about the kind of angel I'd get. Sort of a fallen angel, aren't you? What happened to your wings?

The holidays are officially in full swing! Sorta have been since Halloween. Well, from a retail perspective anyways. But let's go back a couple weeks to when they REALLY started!

The face of excitement

We had a great Thanksgiving. Thursday, we went to my parents' house to give thanks with my parents, my sister, & her husband. It was a great visit and I always look forward to eating on the fancy plates. You know, cuz I'm a fancy type a girl

Like all things of quality, George Washington would approve

Another year, another FANTASTIC spread made by my mom.

Turkey , Dressing, & Gravy. Green beans and Mashed Potatoes.
Sweet potato,
Squash, Mac & cheese & Broccoli Casseroles.
Ambrosia, Cranberry sauce, Black olives, Rolls, AND
Mom's Delicious Chocolate Pie (& pumpkin pie too)

You don't know yummy until you put Mama Roberts Thanksgiving feast in your tummy.

There's a reason we usually pass out and sleep on the floor...
Ate ourselves into a wonderful oblivion

Friday, we drove to Birmingham to join The Husband's family at his sister's house. Another great feast and fun with the kiddies. My favorite was the talent show on the fireplace. (As a former holiday fireplace performer, I was highly impressed.) Then back to Memphis Saturday for a joyful reuniting with the dog!

Sunday, we went over to the House of K for a final Thanksgiving celebration. Tryko outdid herself with a delicious lasagna.

A welcome respite after all the turkey

Mmmmmmmm... Roll me home

Which brings us to December. A special time when I made some sort of chicken that I can't remember what it is. But I took a picture and put a filter on it so here it is...


Last weekend, we went to Home Depot and got a real tree. (Pinnochio voice, "I'm a reeeeal tree") It was pretty cold which was wonderful because, really, it should be cold when you go get yo self a tree.

Every year when I was a kid, my dad would take us to cut one down. We would walk around all of the trees, bundled up, and scoping them all out. This one's too tall, that one's got a spot where an animal did some trimming of its own. Then we'd find The One. And Dad would lay on the ground, cutting the base, while my sister and I tried with all our might to hold it up so it wouldn't fall on his head. I believe there was also cider involved. Awww, special memories!

I wonder how we got it home now though... Was it in the van? The Husband & I tied ours to the top of his car and tried not to hit any bumps on the way home and send it crashing into the street. Mission: Successful.

Hello, tree! I anoint you Douglas the Second

I have a ton of older ornaments I love. And a new favorite. Last year, a little after our wedding, The Husband's (and now my) 6 year old nephew saw this ornament at the store and proclaimed it looked like The Husband & I. They bought it and sent it our way and it will always be special to me.

Color's a little off, but you get the drift... Sweet lovey-dovey goodness

And then I made some more chicken.

Chicken scampi fettucinni alfredo with red pepper – lite

I'm so hungry. I wish I could eat that now. Note to self: in 2011, stop buying Lean Cuisines. They're just a food tease with too much sodium.

Well, that brings us pretty much up to date! Upcoming, we're hosting a Christmas get-together with friends this weekend. I'm so excited. The house is finally completely decorated and I've started the appetizers. (Our Costco membership is paying off.) There is a spring in everyone's steps and electricity in the air. Work parties and holiday get-togethers abound. AND best of all, Christmas vacation is only 15 days away!!!

Even the animals have called a truce

Merry Christmas, Bubbleland! Let's watch Holiday Inn together real soon, mmmkay?

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, how your blogs always make my day, sweet Bekaboo!
