The Health Choice Lemon Pepper fish... Shockingly SO much better than the pumpkin ravioli. It's even sorta pretty for a microwave meal.
What I took great pleasure and surprise in is that the fish actually got pretty crispy for a frozen meal. SO much better than that wad of goo from yesterday that they called "ravioli". Ravioli, pffffff.
So today has been a pretty good day. My lunch didn't make me gag. My work email finally got switched over to my married name. (Awww... I know, I know.) And I won 2 4th row tickets to John Mayer on the radio this morning.
John Mayer, you say? Why would you want to see him, you say? (Well, did you hear FREE in there and FOURTH row?)
Ok, the guy talks wayyyy too much. (He runs his mouth more than a gossipy high school girl and that's very unattractive in a guy.) But, I'm going to admit something here, I really used to like his music. And I think through all his too-much-Twitterpating and TMI interviews, the music, THE MUSIC, will be a fun ride and I hear he puts on a good show. We will see.
Anyhoo... The important thing to focus on is that I'm a winner today! And I claim victory thusly. Internet, check ya laters!
Catching up on all the bloginess! Yay for free's totally gonna work out and be a blasty blast!!!