Ha. But no. Really...
I've had this thought lately that it seems that the world's noise has really grown since I was younger. Always being email accessible. People think that you should be on call at all times. Smart phones are a blessing and a curse. You hang out with people and they're messing with their phone all the time. Argh. It's become hard to just be present in the moment. Between all of that racket and the 45 lists I have running through my brain at all times, I feel like I never stop and smell the flowers. But more on flowers later...
Earlier this year, I made some resolutions. To shut out that noise and focus on bettering life. To eat healthier and workout consistently. To keep a gratitude journal. To BE grateful. And to simplify.
So, how's it going? Pretty well, I'd say. I'm working out consistently. I've joined a gym that 2 of my girl friends go to and I'm not only getting more fit but really enjoying spending time with them. I've also found that when I do go by myself, it's a great quiet time for me to just be still. (Quiet inside. Outside I'm moving.)
Eating healthier is hard. But only sometimes. I love bad for you foods! But then, who doesn't?! I've been determined to make it not get boring and have found a ton of things on Pinterest. A new love for frozen banana bites! (Seriously, do you know how many things you can do with a banana?) Grapes are nature's candy. Fruit is just so good in general. I've found healthy can be tastier than a boring old salad. And that it's important that I don't take off the weekends. I was sorta doing what I want on the weekends - eating heavier food and skipping workouts. But Bubbleland, I'm over 30 and that just don't work no mo. But that's ok. I'm feeling better for it.
The gratitude journal was a fail for the most part. I did it for over a month and then I just couldn't think of new things. I wrote the same things over and over. I'm grateful for my husband. Family. My dogs. Friends. Books. Health. Our house. (In no particular order.) The usual. Oh-so important but oh-so easy to take for granted. So I decided to stop writing it and just try to keep them as priority in the front of my mind.
And, last but not least, to simplify. This one is my fave so far. While all of the things above have made me feel better, this one has brought a calm that you can't find when your brain is non-stop churning, there ain't no quiet, and you're never truly still. It's harder than you - or in this case, me - would think to just power down.
I started with trying to keep down clutter at the house. Hubs & I both recently Spring cleaned our closet. We got rid of worn things and took everything decent to Good Will. The house is pretty organized. I do still have a few junky spots in the house to attack but, for the most part, there's order. There's something so lovely about having everything neat and in its place with a bright shining face. (When my dad reads this, I think it will bring a smile. I used to hide everything either under my bed or crammed in my closet.)
I've been turning off all social media, gossip sites, reality tv, or anything that creates that sort of "noise" at least one day a week. So far it's been Wednesdays. It's amazing how nice it is to disconnect from all that nonsense. (Although I do allow myself cooking shows. As long as as people aren't acting like big meanies.) I think I should do it more.
The radio stinks. I found myself constantly flipping channels and getting frustrated in traffic. So I've been going to the library and getting audio books. Not only do I no longer constantly flip stations, I don't mind the traffic a bit.
~ The little things are really some of the most pleasant, aren't they?
I bought a little speaker that I can plug into my phone or computer. This allows me to listen to my Billie Holiday station on Pandora, my vintage radio app, or Netflix as I cook or lay in bed reading. No tv blaring in the background with nothing good on.
I've been buying fresh flowers for the house and planted our front porch boxes and flower beds. I've always loved flowers. Growing up in Columbia, we had a couple rose bushes outside the house. I would cut one or two and put them in my room. Just a glance at these flowers would give me a little tickle of happiness. I'm happy I never grew out of that. It doesn't get much more simple than a pretty flower does it?
And last but not least, I'm trying to simplify my relationships. To think the best of people and not jump to conclusions. And when people act in a way that disappoints, to try to look over it. To speak less and listen more. All of which is hard for me. I can be suspicious and prone to thinking the worst. And people are weird and do disappointing things. But while I'm a work in process, I can feel myself being different and reacting differently.
1 Thessalonians 4:11
Make it your goal to live a quiet life,
minding your own business and
working with your hands,
just as we instructed you before.
minding your own business and
working with your hands,
just as we instructed you before.
So there we go! My third of the year progress report.
I must say, reading the Happiness Project book has brought all of this to mind. (Which so far, I've really enjoyed.) It has made me think of how similar some things are to her project. While I hadn't thought of my personal 2013 resolutions as a "happiness project" so much as just trying to live a better quality life, I think happiness has been a result. And I'm grateful for everyday I have to keep it going.
See you soon, Bubbleland! I am grateful for you too. (If not to just have a place to talk cooking and doggies.) Until next time!
While I read it a bit late, I enjoyed your update.
ReplyDelete(I totally meant for that to rhyme...)