Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My point of view might be from the cheese aisle?

Hey, Bubblelanders!  It's been a while.  And there's a very good reason...  It's been a very busy Summer.

Eh, but that's really not it.  That's just something you say when you're making excuses. 

Truth be told, I don't know what to write about anymore.

I became the benevolent ruling dictator of Bubbleland less than a month after getting married.  We had a new house.  I was just starting to get into cooking.  And we didn't even have the dog.  But more importantly, I was taking pictures of food and I just wanted somewhere to put them.

Things have changed in the last 3 years.  The house has enough furniture to actually fill it now.  I cook with the air of someone that often-sorta-somewhat knows what they're doing.  And the Sugarbear is all grown-up and joined the Neighborhood Watch.  I still like to take pictures of the food I eat, but so does everyone else in the entire world.  Or so it seems.

This isn't a recipe blog cuz I don't make up diddly.  I'm generally a recipe follower.  This isn't a foodie restaurant review blog.  I do like to share when I try a new place but, for the most part, I eat at the same couple spots over and over.  There are 5 bazillion blogs out there with a distinct point of view.  Which I seem to lack.

If I was on Design Star, they would totally kick me off for having no POV.

I feel like I need a Julie & Julia-type goal.  Or to test Pinterest recipes and see if they come out as advertised.  Perhaps simply provide recipes in a more organized fashion.

But all of these things have been done.  And at the moment, inspiration speaketh not nor cometh in the dark of night.  (Why did I just get all Old Englishy there, I'm sure not.  Annnnnd now I'm Yoda.)

Alrighty.  With that off my chest, for now we'll just continue as we were here in Bubbleland.  Perhaps having thrown this question out into the Bubble-verse, brilliance will strike.  Or, if not brilliance, a somewhat decent concept.  For I am not ready to resign my position as bubble overlord.  (Plus, I still constantly take pictures of food and like to have somewhere to put them.)

And I have been cooking!  And eating!  At least one or the other practically everyday.  So let's catch-up, shall we?  There has been a lot going on this summer!  (You may have heard - I've been busy.)

A couple weeks ago we had the fam over to the house for a cookout and I made my first key lime pie. To me, nothing says summer dessert like a key lime pie.  Well, I guess maybe apple.  But you know what I'm sayin'.  That freshness with a little bit of a tart bite.  It didn't set up quite as firmly as I would have liked.  But the taste was just right. 

Did you know Persian limes and key limes are verrrry different?  Yeah, umm, me too.  Now, that is.  I bought 3 bags of Persian limes not realizing they were MUCH bigger than key limes.  I used some but there were so many leftover that I still have a lime arrangement on my dining room table.

For the cookout, I made the this rub to go on the ribs we smoked.  I didn't use it all but there wasn't enough for another rack of ribs.  So I used it on these pork chops.  (Seared on the cast iron and cooked in the oven at 350º.)

The chops turned out juicy and perfectly cooked.  May be the best pork chop.  Ever.  In the world. 
Next up was Book Club and the book & place picks were mine!  The book that ended up getting selected for June's discussion was A Sense of An Ending (pretty good, not great).  And I picked the Beauty Shop for brunch (pretty great, not just good!)

The food was beautiful.  And it was just as tasty as it looked...

Fried Oysters Benedict
While we were brunching, we decided we should get together the next weekend and have a potluck brunch, to be followed by the movies.  Almost immediately, I knew what I wanted to bring - my latest breakfast/brunch obsession - cheesy grits.

The recipe I ended up making turned out better than I could have hoped. Cheesy grits with roasted red bell pepper, mushrooms & caramelized onion.  (If you check out the recipe, you'll notice it called for poblano peppers.  But my Kroger didn't have them so I subbed the red bell and added a little extra chipotle.)  I'm convinced if you put caramelized onions in pretty much anything, it's going to be good.  It's the vegetable version of bacon. 

I will definitely be making this again

The full brunch plate with Blair's spinach/ricotta filled crepe & monkey bread, Jessica's fruit salad with a poppy seed vinaigrette and, of course, GRITS

Which brings us to last weekend.  Our friends, Matt & Kelly, celebrated their 5th anniversary by hosting a cookout.  My contribution was a big ole side of mac & cheese.

It wasn't the Hub's favorite Kraft stove top version.  But I think it was pretty good just the same.  Buttery breadcrumbs on top.  A creamy cheese sauce with extra sharp cheddar and smoky Gruyere.  With all that, it's got to be at least ALMOST as good as the little blue box.  Right?!?!?!  Well, Hubs wouldn't agree with me - even with threats of violence.  But I think it was still pretty good.

Ooey, gooey close-up of my taste test
That was a big messy cooking day.  Hubs was about to visit family in Kansas City so I decided to send some cookies with him.  I found a recipe that became one of the first things I've made off my Pinterest recipe finds - Oreo cheesecake cookies!

How could this be bad?
I think that one is a keeper.  Pretty right?  FYI, this recipe will leave you with leftover Oreos.  Which can be good or bad depending your current life goals.  Be forewarned and buy milk accordingly.

And finally we're up to current day!  (And I've almost - almost - caught up with the weekend's dishes.)  Last night, I made these chicken lettuce wraps.  For convenience & dishes sake, I cubed a whole rotisserie chicken and skipped the marinade.  I also skipped the cornstarch and the sherry.  (I couldn't get the lid unscrewed on my cooking sherry.  Fine time for a certain fella to be out of town.  Eh, I can't blame the Hubs...  My muscle-strength failed me.)

I love Asian food and this was pretty darn good for homemade.  Super-easy and the leftovers made for a very satisfying lunch today. 

Alright.  Well there we go!  We're all caught up.  From heartfelt existential soliloquy to today's lunch, Summer is off and running.

Before I sign off, my dear Bubble friends, let's welcome a sweet baby girl to the world.  Many congratulations to Tara & Brooks on the birth of their daughter last Monday.  She's beautiful and I can't wait to babysit.  And also eat sushi & soft cheeses with her mama.

Until next time!

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