Thursday, April 11, 2013

And we're back

Where have I been?  Where have you been?!

You don't call
You don't write

Actually, it's not you, it's me.  I, ummmm, errr, well I forgot how to use the internet.  Being a highly-trained-professional-computer-user, this is horribly embarrassing.

So, what had happened was, I like changing up the background and making little headers in photoshop every now and  then.  Gotta keep it fresh, ya know.  Well, this time, I switched the blog template to their new "dynamic display".  And then I could no longer find the dashboard which is how you update your posts.  I figured out how to switch it back completely by chance the other day.  (I still have no idea how you use the other template.)

All that to say, we're back!  And just in time for me to mention:

Surf & turf! A perfect medium. Thank you, meat thermometer

Also, my sister and I have started a book club of 2!  I'm really excited about our first read:

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Eating well & reading well.  Good times!

Alright.  I'm going to sign off now but - unless the internet breaks again - I won't let it be so long next time, my Bubble friends.  Much excitement to come!  The flower beds have been put in and the wing contest is coming up.  April excitement INDEED.


  1. I have heard great things about that book! Let me know what you think. That meal looks awesome!

  2. Thanks lady! I love me some shrimps & steak ;) I'll definitely let you know how the book is! I've picked it up & put it down several times in the book store.
