Monday, August 6, 2012

They say it's your birthday - Well, it's my birthday too

So nice to see you again so soon, Bubbleland!

August is always a good month for me because it starts out with some fun.  My birthday was August 1st and I - not surprisingly - celebrated by eatin'!

This year, I decided I wanted to enjoy it with just The Hubs and I.  He asked me if I wanted to pick a restaurant or be surprised.  And, after much thought, I went with a surprise - for two reasons.  1. To see what he picked.  2. Because the last couple years I've gone to Iris.  And I looove Iris.  But I sort of wanted something different.  But sorta didn't?  A surprise left the hard decisions to the tall man. 

And he did good.  Hubs made a reservation at Interim.  I've really been wanting to go there so it was a great pick.  And I  don't think he even knew I had it on my short list!  Well done, sir.

After drooling over the menu for the better part of the week, I was super-excited by the time we got there.  And hungry.  (As I tend to be most of the time.)  I guess we both were because we got two appetizers to start.

Grilled Quail
Charred leeks, romesco sauce
(Did you know romesco sauce is a nut and red pepper-based sauce from Spain?  I did not.  So there we go.)

Macaroni & Cheese Casserole
Country ham, herb-parmesan crust
They were both de-LISH.  The quail was tasty & tender and the romesco sauce was fresh.  Or as they might say on Top Chef, "bright".  The mac & cheese was creamy mac perfection.  I loved the crispy, crunchy topping.  (bleu's was maybe better?  But it was different.  This was more of a standard mac. A standard mac that sets that bar VERY high.)

After that, The Hubs got to enjoy the bread bowl while I enjoyed my salad.

House Salad
Fried artichokes, radish, goat feta, orange-hazelnut vinaigrette
Mmmm, it was so good.  I never think of putting radishes in things like that but they were the perfect crunch.  (Really, I just associate radishes with Fraggles.)  Also, I could have stuffed handfuls of the fried artichokes in my mouth by themselves.  Which would have been tacky.  But I coulda, just sayin'.

Next was our main course.  And we both went with fish.  And for the second year in a row, Hubs ordered a trout dish that was so pretty it almost makes me jealous.  Almost.

Mountain Trout
Brioche-herb stuffing, warm lentil salad, almond brown butter
He let me have a taste and it was reeeeally good.

I ordered the fish special - red fish with a choice of being grilled or blackened.  I went with blackened for a little spice.

Blackened Red Fish
Polenta cake, grilled squash & zucchini, cherry tomato relish
Oh, my.  It was GOOD.  I loved the polenta cake.  It was crunchy on the outside and creamy & smooth on the inside. The zucchini was also terrific.  (And while I like zucchini, it's not often I say it's "terrific".)  I would kick a puppy for the cherry tomato relish recipe.  (But not a Sugarbear.  Who could kick something with a face that sweet?)  But the real star was the fish.  Cooked perfectly.  Spiced perfectly.  What every fish dish should aspire to be!

Interim was wonderful.  A real birthday treat!  And I should mention that our waiter was great too.  Anticipated our every need.  And brought a second bread bowl.  Which while not necessarily needed, was still eaten and enjoyed.

Many thank to my hubs, Mr. Andrew Johnson.  It was a memorable meal and he really made my birthday special. 

Until next time, Bubblers!  See you soon for fish, fish, fish, and more fish!

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